Monday, July 17, 2006

Hiccup* Hiccup*

Feeling great today,except I am fighting a case of the hiccups that I belive is due to some of the medication that I have been taking. They mostly affect me when I am sitting or standing up, but not while lying in bed. They have offered me meds, but it's not really uncomfortable or anything so I think I'm going to skip them for now.
Had another round of chemo today, the same I have been getting. Daunorubicin. It's a thickish red fluid that fights the cancer and turns my pee bright red. Kinda creepy.
Met with the occupational therapist today and she says I'm doing well, gave me some stretchy rubber band stuff to help with my muscles and a hand grabby thingy so I can chase after all the nurses...I mean keep my grip strength up.
Thanks to all of you who have been sending cards, emails and packages. Note diane will be starting to only be here on weekends beginning next week, so if you want to email her try her at or call her on her cellular phone.

Thanks again to all!

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