Monday, May 21, 2007

Beginning the answer week

Well Diane and I decided today would start the week of answers. I have a few to report:

Insurance: A concern Diane and I had was insurance. Apparently she sees patients who's insurance has a maximum yearly hospitalization stay (commonly 30 days) and a maximum lifetime payout. I called BCBS and was glad to find no issue here; as long as Roswell keeps calling, they'll keep paying. Thank goodness for one less thing to worry about.

Transplant: No dice here. Asked the transplant coordinator today, who said she just emailed the bone marrow registry. We still don't have a date! It's been nearly a week since this person agreed to give the transplant. Please just get back to us so we know what to do. A main problem is that if we don't hear soon, the first date for transplant in the first full week of June will be impossible.

Going home:
A hope of mine is to go home, even for a few days before starting the transplant procedure. it's a long time in the hospital, then several months before I'll be able to go home even when I'm outpatient. In order for this to happen my counts have to recover (they're not yet) and I have to be generally healthy. We'll see. Hopefully my counts will recover early next week and I'll have a few days at home. If the donor decides on a later date --or backs out entirely--I'd almost surely go home. But it would be nice to get the show on the road.

Other than that just keep-on keepin-on here at RPCI. I hate being cooped up inside, so far away from family for so long. Good news is Mom's coming up wednesday thru Friday, and Di will be here Friday afternoon. Something to look forward to, anyway.

Hope all is well in your world.

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