Thursday, May 10, 2007

Back in the hospital...again

Though we were hoping I might not have to be admitted yesterday, my blood counts had changed so much the bad way that Dr. Wang insisted on admitting me immediately.
Between Monday and Wednesday, my white cell count went from 4.4 to 6.8. Though the "blast" count did decrease, it did not decrease enough. Blasts are measured in a percentage of total white blood cells. Though the blast count dropped 10% or so, the big jump in my WBC meant I actually had more blasts-- a lot more
The nelarabine -- that new fancy drug that gave everyone such a pain -- didn't work.
At first there was some question whether a room was available. (this was about 4:00 pm. yesterday). But I had gone upstairs for a routine EKG and before I could get tested I was told a room was open.
Some advice to you if you ever plan to visit: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT park or leave the parking lot at about 4:30 pm. What a zoo. To make matters worse, I accidentally picked the "monthly only" lane, which meant I had to endure angry, tired RPCI employees shaking their fists and other appendages at me. Imagine the alligator Scion backing up against traffic, me having to drive all the way around the parking lot again, just so I could leave the car at KGH, where mom stayed.
Once in the hospital, everything was easier. My room wasn't quite ready, so I decided to soak in the beautiful weather and fresh air down in the park just outside the hospital. This was a good idea. It was the last time I'll breathe outside air for a long time!
Before too long I was in the hospital and started treatment. Nice thing is the nurses still remembered me, and I'm on the same floor I was before: 5 E Room 20. It's kind of a big, corner room with a fantastic view of....the physical plant. Oh well. At least I have the room.
The treatment started about 9 p.m. It was one of 12 doses of cytarabine, also known as Ara-C. I've gotten this before but in much smaller doses. The 12 doses will happen every 12 hours for 6 days. I seem to be tolerating it well so far, and the good news is my WBC went down about 2 whole points since yesterday. I hope this works!
Well, that's about all for now. Hope to hear from you soon!

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