Monday, August 07, 2006

Not such a triple threat

When I woke up this morning, groggy from the pre-platelet drugs my nurse Kiera had given me about 6 a.m., I was nervous. As it turns out, I should have been happy. My usual 5 a.m. blood test turned out really well. White cell counts jumped from .19 to .58 overnight. Whoohoo! Now, don't get me wrong, I am still quite sick and they aren't letting me out of the hospital just yet, but such a immediate and big jump has to be a good thing.
Dr. Wexlar agreed when he saw me about noon. I was hanging out with Di and had just finished the MRI Dr. W prescribed to investigate the blurry vision I am still having. He came in the room and said "You must have been scared, because your blood counts are finally getting in shape," he said (or something to that effect, as I can't ever remember conversations verbatim. I was doing so well, he said, that he would skip the Bone Marrow Biopsy he had planned for today. I said "Cool!" really loud, and all the residents (there must have been at least 10) were smiling and giggling in the hallway. Too funny!
Bad news is I will still be getting a lumbar puncture tomorrow, but it will be done down in radiology and won't (hopefully) be such a big deal as the last fiasco that left me on my back for a week. At least that stupid fellow who did it before won't be doing it; Di always gives him the evil eye, but we haven't seen his face lately. I'm kinda hoping he got fired!

It's kind of boring here today, so I am thinking about what I would do if I weren't here. Maybe you want to do one of these things because I can't! The worst thing about being in the hospital is the lack of control--it's kind of like being in jail. So, I guess I'm just thinking about all the things I would do if I had the chance.

Top 10 things Matt would do if he weren't in the hospital

10. Eat some anchor bar chicken wings!
9. Get in the alligator car and stop at starbucks.
8. Drive with the windows down and the music playing loud.
7. Stop in at a movie theatre and buy a bag of popcorn
6. Hit a bucket of golf balls.
5. Mow the lawn--I'll bet it needs it about now.
4. Up and decide it's time to cut out of work early
3. Play with the star-nugget, because she probably misses me.
2. Open up and expensive bottle of wine, just because I want a glass
1. Have a picnic with Di at the back yard of our house, enjoying the view of our huge green back yard.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for the letters!

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