Sunday, August 06, 2006

Grow, white cells, grow.

Woke up this morning and asked for my lab results from the blood they took at 5 a.m. White cells dropped to .19, platelets held strong at .52, so at least I didn't have to have more platelets today. It's odd to me that my white cells would dip again, but what can you do. I've been feeling really glad the doctors didn't let me out when they had originally thought they were going to, as I'm sure if I were home all this bad cell count stuff would've meant a very annoying and immediate four-hour drive back to buffalo. Not very nice to think about.
Met with Dr. Wexlar on rounds today and he didn't make any guesses. We talked about my blurry vision, and i've got it narrowed down to being more like double vision, in that i can focus on things but often see another image close by. Dr W is concerned about the blood counts, specifically the stalled and slightly retreating white count. The plan tomorrow is for lots of tests: Bone marrow biopsy (with atavan and narcotic lolipop) MRI, and if those two aren't conclusive I'll also get a lumbar puncture, this time under the x-ray in radiology by someone who knows their stuff. Dr. W was hesitant to say anything or make any guesses today, just said he needs to get more information, which I can appreciate. So, again, we wait!
In the meantime, I totally impressed Diane. My nurse, Val, dropped off my growth hormone shot about 5:30, and asked if I needed help giving it to myself. I declined, and about shocked Di out of her shoes by cleaning a small spot on my belly, jamming the needle in and squeezing in the growth factor shot. It's funny--I never thought I'd be able to give myself shots, but when faced with actually having to do it, it really isn't that big of a deal. I even like it better than when the nurse does it, because I have control. Funny how that is.
Well, going to get going and spend time with Di. I haven't heard from many of you lately and am beginning to feel like a Pink Floyd song. Is there anybody out there?

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