Monday, December 25, 2006

And God blessed us, every one

A very full belly and lots of laughs later, I've got to say this is really one of the best Christmases I can remember.
I know it will probably sound corny, but there were many days this year where I wondered if I'd even be around for Christmas. To my great relief and enjoyment, I was really more than around. From dinner all day yesterday with Di, Mom and Dad, to the feast at Phil's house in candor, to goofing around with the kids and their toys at Kathy and Mike's Owego home, everthing sparkled a bit more, everything seemed to mean more this year, because honestly I thought most of it would not include me.
So I ate a lot of food and talked a lot of talk and was probably way too hyper way too many times, but I don't really regret any of it. We had such a damn fine time and I think I really know what it is like to be grateful for the time with all of my family, in a different and very wonderful way from what I've had in the past.
You couldn't ask for a happier man than me at this point. Even though I'm on chemo and my mouth is sore and I'm tired, I am also completely satisfied. Without getting into too much hyperbole, this Christmas was just about as perfect as anyone can expect. Gives me a real charge going into the new year, this perspective that I hope will continue giving throughout the difficult days and weeks that I know are coming down the line.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your day was a fifth as special as the way I treasured mine.

1 comment:

Kathy & Mike said...

Matt, Your blog spoke from the heart. Thank you for letting us share your Christmas, we'll have to put a computer like Megan's on your wish list for next year! Glad you had a nice Christmas weekend, and here's to a Healthy and Happy 2007! Love,Kathy & Mike