Friday, December 15, 2006

Erwinia Erwinia....Er win with Erwinia

OK, sorry for the goofy title.
Barb Anderson (research nurse and generally good doo-bee) came to see me today at Roswell to sign a consent form for this fancy Erwinia drug. As it turns out, there has been some difficulty with getting it. Not so much a difficulty as someone used old numbers and did not expect the cost to go up by about 40%.
Ahh. Drug companies. Don't we love them? I think I should buy stock.
Anyhow, Roswell had to hold up on ordering it and get the new amount approved by blue cross, who promptly approved the discrepancy. Gee. They were nice about that, weren't they? I mean, in my work life if I quote somebody a price and then submit a price for billing that's $20 higher they will raise holy hell. But thousands? They might laugh me off the phone. Sure am glad BCBS had such a good attitude about it.
The long and the short: I probably won't have my dose scheduled for Tuesday, and maybe not friday, though I have offered to stay another day if necessary to get the shot. Barb is going to petition the study chair to allow me to have these pricey injections that I am missing at the end of this current round of treatment. Otherwise, the stuff will just go to waste, as no other cancer patients in the entire hospital --or according to the FDA, the country -- need this stuff.
Otherwise all is very well. I seem to be tolerating today's chemo just fine. The cytoxan (ominous, clear fluid) made my brain all funny and gave me a pain in the nose like you'd get if sniffing horseradish. The discomfort was quickly eased, however, by the daunarubicin, a chemo drug that has the color and consistency of red cool-aid.
Lots more fun for my week up here in Buffalo. Stay tuned..I'm here all week. Really, I am!

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