So here, by popular demand, I am in all my baldy goodness. What do you think? Apparently the word is I look good. It's a good day today. I'm getting platelets and blood clotting stuff and then chemo later in the afternoon. Vincristine is the nasty one which they push through my IV with a needle. But usually it hasn't bothered me too much.
Di is here today along with mom, and dad and the Jakester are on their way. I'm feeling really good today. I did have some blurry vision earlier, which can happen from all this stuff, but my vision is better now. All the better to watch golf, type on the computer and talk to my guests. Apparently my new temporary Dr., Dr. Wang, thinks I am doing too much at one time. She doesn't know what my usual day is like outside the hospital.
Anyway, I should get going 'cause lunch is coming soon and I want to be ready. Enjoy the day.
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