None of the nurses, doctors or other visitors can believe the almalgamation of cards on my hospital room wall. This picture hardly does it justice. Thank you so much for all the pick-me ups. Your notes encourage me whenever I'm having a less-than-perfect day. I'm gonna need a new wall!

My bed is the command center of the kensey empire. I handle all email and blog postings from this comfy, air cushioned perch. Just beyond my left hand is the remote control. I change the channel, turn on the radio and call the nurses for more of just about anything with the red-and-white nurse button.

This big green easy chair reclines with an extended ottman for total comfort. I eat many of my meals here, especially when soup is involved and I don't want to muss up the sheets. It is also a great reading spot, as the chair is just firm enough to keep you from falling asleep ater 10 pages.

All of my blood counts are extremely low during chemotherapy. One ingredient in blood, platelets, is so low that if I get even a small cut it might not stop bleeding without specialized medical attention. Believe it or not, during toothbrushing it is quite common to end up bleeding from the gums in several locations. These green sponges glued to lolipop sticks are called toothettes, and they allow for bleed-free teeth cleaning when combined with a special mouthwash for Lukemia patients. A small sacrifice for the cause, but what would I give for a normal, FIRM toothbrus and minty crest.
1 comment:
Hey Matt!
Terrific job on the blog here. Quite a compelling read.
Just wanted to stop by and say, tag — your blog's been blogged!
Hope you're having a good Monday.
Take care,
Mary Pat
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