This is the wierdest winter on record. Can't understand where this odd, warm, crappy, soggy wet stuff came from, but it's really for the birds. Does anyone really prefer this? You're seeing a view of our favorite spot in the house, the window off of our kitchen looking out on the back yard. Usually we get a nice, white winter scene, but today is a soggy, muddy mess that only depresses, not inspires.
Sure am glad skiing isn't an option for me this year. It's been OK for driving to buffalo, but so little snow has fallen, and so little cold weather has been sustained, I don't think anyone in New York has really had a decent ski day all winter.
Well I would love to be in crappy weather Vestal spending some quality family time with you!
Love you Matt! & Di too :~)
we get up to feet of snow here usely.we have had 8 inches all winter.we had 50s for most of the time.its just now going to get cold.some places have had 41 feet of snow.can you see how much that would be.boy I wouldnt be able to get out of my door.Id have to climb out the atic window.some places had ice storms.that is no fun.I remember the year we had them.we were with out lights for a time.at christmas we were at my son in laws and the lights were out from 8:30 in the evening till 11:30 the next day.thank God for candles and a working woodstove.cause it was cold and windy.God bless.
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