Thanks to help from a variety of sources, Diane, Mom and I found the Nugget today!
Star emerged from underneath the shed in my parents' back yard as Diane and I had about given up searching.
Star seems to be in good health, though I will have a vet check her out later in the week. She's been quite clingy ever since we found her, and I think she is still a little agitated from being outside for so long. When she eats, she looks up every 10 seconds or so, listening to every little noise. But she's like her old self otherwise, and seems quite happy to be home!
We had help from many different directions, the last one being a couple on Benita Boulevard who called saying they had seen our kitty, they were pretty sure, in the woods behind thier house. There is a small forest that separates the two subdivisions and they said Star had run into that woods. That was encouragement enough to get Mom, Diane and myself out there looking, to no avail after almost two hours of looking.
We had about given up and I suggested we go over by my parents' house for one last look. I wanted to check the live trap I had put out earlier in the day. The trap was suggested by a nice lady at the Animal Care Council in endicott. In any case, when I walked by the tunafish-baited trap on my way to get some treats from inside the house, there was no sign of the cat. But as Diane, Myself and my Mom stood in the backyard jabbering about not finding her, Diane said, "Oh my god there she is!" and sure enough, star had emerged from underneath the shed, gracefully stretching out her back legs one by one!
We are quite happy to have found her. What a relief.
Thank you to everyone who helped post signs and look for the cat, and for several suggestions all of which I think helped in getting Star home.
The Kenseys are very happy tonight!
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