Monday, April 30, 2007

Running the gamut

The funny thing about getting treated at Roswell Park is you get to experience the entire gamut of human competence.
You get the great people, like Dr. Wang, Dr. Baer and Barb, and the nurses and the cafeteria workers (yes, even the cafeteria workers are cool).
But then you get the not so great people, like the pharmacist who , charged with ordering the chemotherapy drug on Friday, sent the order to the drug company, but neglected to stick around for the tracking number.
So me, he of the relapsed Leukemia, did not get the swanky new chemo drug I was expecting today, likely due in my opinion to one person's case of Friday afternoon disease.
You know what friday afternoon disease, is, right? It's closely related to the Monday morning sickness, and cousin of the ever-popular Monday-morning car failure plague that sweeps the nation's office buildings on rainy, cloudy beginnings of the week around the country.
The day wasn't a total wash, however. I did get my fancy new PICC line, a catheter which was threaded into my arm, through my veins and very close to my heart. It looks a lot like my original central line catheter, except it is blue and sticking out of my left arm. It's very attractive.
So, tomorrow I get this new fancy drug (maybe), a long hydration, and hopefully a bit more peace of mind. Time to kill the cancer cells!!

1 comment:

AM&T said...

Hi Matt

Just found out about your relapse. That's a real bummer!

With your very positive attitude, I have no doubt that you will beat this nasty disease.

You will be in our thoughts and prayers.